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Part of being a successful Cub Scout pack requires that our adult volunteers be formally trained in various areas such as youth protection, outdoor leadership, hazardous weather, etc. These training programs not only ensure that our leaders receive the ‘required’ knowledge for the course, but also offers an entire universe of ideas and concepts that help to better shape the scouting adventures we plan for our scouts.

The resources featured on this page are specifically related to the training requirements for Cub Scout volunteers. If you are searching for additional scout training, please visit the BSA Training page.
Step 1: Application

An application is required for adult volunteer opportunities. You can complete the form online at ____ or download the form here, and submit the completed application to our Pack Registrar.
Step 2: Youth Protection Training
The safety of our Cubs is Job #1 for all of our adult volunteers. This online training course reviews the strategies and protocols necessary to provide a safe and friendly environment for our scouts to grow and learn. A convenient online course is accessible through eLearning.

Step 3: Position Specific Training

There are a number of volunteer positions available within the pack:
  • Cubmaster amp Assistant Cubmaster
  • Den Leader and Assistant Den Leader
    • Lion
    • Tiger
    • Wolf
    • Bear
    • Webelos 1
    • Webelos 2
  • Pack Trainer
  • Pack Committee
Each position has specific training requirements. Please visit eLearning to get a current list of available training courses. Additionally,  a ‘fast start’ orientation course is available to help acclimate you to your new position.
Hazardous Weather, Outdoor Orientation, and First Aid/ CPR
Outdoor camping events require an adult volunteer trained for hazardous weather conditions, Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO), and First Aid / CPR 
Hazardous weather training can be completed online at eLearning.
Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation is an instructor-led course offered throughout the year through our district (Goose Creek) and new sessions are advertised on their home page:
CPR and First Aid courses are offered through various organizations. A few local options include: 
Additional Information and Resources
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